Jumat, 30 November 2018

Crystal Palace vs Manchester United PES 2017

Crystal Palace vs Manchester United PES 2017

Welcome to my channel

My Premier League with Manchester United now at match day 12

Against Crystal Palace at snowy winter Selhurst Park Stadium

Is hard to see the ball though :v

Mod used in the video :

= PTE Patch Unofficial v6.53 by Tauvic99 : https://tauvic99.blogspot.com/

= Selhurst Park Stadium by S.Elafify : http://gsurl.me/1oOw

= Multi Switcher v8.1 by MjTs 140914 : https://www.facebook.com/MjTs140914/

= Boots and Gloves by Tisera09 : https://www.facebook.com/Tisera09/

= Boots by AKC_47 : https://www.facebook.com/AKRF.Mods/

= Ballpack by AKC_47 : https://www.facebook.com/AKRF.Mods/

= Adboard by Hendri SimZ : https://www.facebook.com/HendriSimZ/

= Chant by Predator022 : http://pasted.co/33200b69

= Manchester United Graphic Menu by Last Fiddler : http://gsul.me/dPEG

= Kitpack by Geo_Craig90 : https://geo-craig90.blogspot.com/

= Premier League Tunnel by Watermelooo : https://www.facebook.com/watermelooo/

and etc

Don't forget to Like - Share - Suscribe

Special thank to Nuary Ackerman for the tunnel mod :)



All modders

All PES lovers

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